

Retina and its Diseases

Cataract occurs when the natural clear lens in your eyes starts turning opaque and reduces the amount of light being transmitted to the back of the eyes. It is commonly observed in aging eyes over a period of time and in some cases it can happen rapidly due to injury or inflammation. The clouding of this clear lens causes the hazy and foggy vision that is seen in a patient with cataract.
You may experience a gradual drop in the quality of your vision as the Cataract progresses. This bad vision gradually impacts even your day to day routines and can make you feel frustrated. You may also miss out on enjoying your hobbies and pursuing your passions.

Treatment Options

Observation and Lifestyle Modifications

Since ARMD is a disease primarily caused by deposition of metabolic waste products and its toxic effects, reducing the effects of oxidant compounds plays a key role in reducing the severity of the disease. Patients are strictly advised to stop smoking permanently as this is a key risk factor for accelerating ARMD.
Oral supplements of antioxidants like lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin C, etc are helpful in slowing down the course of the disease. Another important risk factor is the use of bright screens for prolonged periods of time. This can accelerate the progression of this disease at an earlier age.

Intravitreal Injections

Intravitreal Injections of Anti-VEGF molecules are the treatment of choice for the wet form of Macular Degeneration. The medicine is injected into the vitreous cavity to stop the growth of and shrink the abnormal blood vessels that cause distortion of the Macula. As is the case with Diabetic Retinopathy, repeated Intravitreal Injections at regular intervals are usually required to keep the vision stable.

Low Vision Aids

When ARMD is extremely advanced with associated scarring of the macula area, vision cannot be restored. The only options left at this stage is to use low vision aids that stimulate the surrounding healthy macula to see moderately well enough to allow essential day to day activities. Retina Surgery for ARMD is usually not indicated.

Retinal Detachment

Retinal Detachment is a serious eye condition, wherein the light sensitive retina starts detaching from the choroid. This condition requires immediate attention either in the form of Retinal Detachment Treatment or Retinal Detachment Surgery to prevent permanent Vision Loss. Retinal Detachments have numerous causes including retina tears and holes and pathologies such as Diabetic Retinopathy, inflammations in the choroid, among others.
Rhegmatogenous Detachment Rhegmatogenous Detachment is most commonly observed as a consequence of a Retinal hole or a tear. These holes or tears can occur in the borders of the retina and can go unnoticed if not examined under dilatation of the pupils. They are more commonly seen in people with Myopia [Short-Sight] and hence it is recommended that people with myopia should undergo a compulsory complete dilated fundus testing atleast once a year. In our experience we have also seen these holes occurring in patients without any refractive error in the eye.
As the Retina holes enlarge, the overlying liquified vitreous seeps into these holes and creates a separation between the retina and the choroid causing a Retinal Detachment. Rhegmatogenous RD’s progress faster and can involve the central vision within a span of hours or days and would need Retinal Detachment Surgery at the earliest.

Frequently Asked Questions​

It is very common that you may experience a swollen eye, or red or eye tenderness for a couple of weeks. Also, you may have a blurry vision accompanied with a mild pain. Normal stage will be restored within 3 to 4 weeks of time after Detachment Surgery. You may also need to maintain a face-down position for a prescribed length of time if necessary during the Retina Treatment.

Retinal laser surgery is usually not painful, but you may feel some discomfort depending on the type of procedure and your sensitivity.

  • During the procedure: Your eye will be numbed with anesthetic drops, so you shouldn’t feel sharp pain. Some people experience mild stinging, a pricking sensation, or brief flashes of heat or pressure as the laser is applied.
  • After the procedure: You might have some soreness, light sensitivity, or a dull ache, but this is usually mild and goes away within a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help if needed.

Only a small amount of Anti-VEGF [0.1ml] can be injected into the eye at one time. At this dosage, the effect of the drug lasts only for a period of 4-5 weeks. As the disease process is still active in the eye, you would need repeated injections until the leaking vessels regress.

Once you have received the dilating drops, it may take around 30 minutes for your pupils to fully open. Pupils of diabetic patients take a longer time to dilate, so it may take upto 45minutes. The effect of dilatation may last up to six hours, usually.

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